
sábado, 30 de maio de 2009

Kiss me, Judas

Shane L. Amaya, o cara da Terra Major!

Terra Major's new graphic novel, an adaptation of Kiss Me, Judas

texto retirado do
dos gemeos Fábio Moon e Gabriel Bá

The next big thing: JEFFERSON COSTA!
Great thing about comics is that you can do anything you want, there's room for all kind of different styles, genres and formats. But with so many stuff out there, it's hard to keep up with everything and even harder to really catch those few gems lost among the independent, less promoted comics. Independent creators have not only to bust their asses to do a great job, but also they have to make the extra effort to promote their own work, even though no one will listen to what that unknown wannabe has to say. I know I had to scream and shout in every way I could for years until someone would look at me.So there's a new comic just about to be released and that can't go unnoticed, Terra Major's new graphic novel, an adaptation of Kiss Me, Judas, the first book of the critically acclaimed neo-noir trilogy Phineas Poe, by author Will Christopher Baer. But the reason this book needs your attention is it's artist, a Brazilian artist called Jefferson Costa. He may have past with no big ado with his 30 page story on the western anthology Gunned Down in 2005, but there's no way he can go ignored with this massive stand-out 272 page graphic novel.Jefferson's compositions are expressive and hold great knowledge of the use of black and white, tremendous balance and deep emotion. If you haven't noticed yet, there's been a great deal of outstanding Brazilian artists working on all kinds of comics in the last 2 decades, from mainstream superstars like Mike Deodato, Roger Cruz and Ivan Reis or up-and-coming creators like Rafael Albuquerque and Rafael Grampá. And there's a bunch more where those guys came from.So you might want to take more attention to the talents hailing from our shores and the best way to start doing that is checking Jefferson's work on Kiss Me Judas.This book is available online only and has a limited print run, so reserve your copytoday! You won't regret it.ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY @

texto retirado do bolg
de Bruno Dangelo.

The new graphic novel is a graphic adaptation of KISS ME, JUDAS , the first book of the critically acclaimed neo-noir trilogy Phineas Poe, by author Will Christopher Baer. Illustrated by award-winning MTV Brazil animator Jefferson Costa, KISS ME, JUDAS is our eighth title illustrated by a Brazilian artist. As many of you know, our catalog includes the American debut in 1999 of Eisner Award winning artists Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon.Synopsis: Phineas Poe is a disgraced ex-cop who walks out of a Denver psych ward on Christmas Eve and heads for the nearest hotel bar, looking to lay low. Instead, he chats up the wrong girl, a stranger with dark eyes and a scar at the edge of her mouth. Deadly as she is beautiful, Jude is a freelance organ thief who leads a willing Phineas upstairs, cuts him open and tosses him to fate. Reborn in a tub of ice, Phineas chases Jude on a twisted quest for redemption that rapidly blurs the lines between victim and accomplice, lover and torturer. From the black snow of Denver to the scorched Texas desert, Phineas and Jude are plunged ever deeper into the company of pimps, parasites, pushers, and perverts‹a freefall into deeper and darker planes ofdrug-fueled paranoia and erotic obsession.This book is available online only.Limited print run, so reserve your copy today!

por Marcelo Campos.
JEFFERSON COSTA é um dos artistas mais completos que conheço. Excelente ilustrador, quadrinista e animador (é um dos animadores das séries da MTV) e professor do futuro curso de ANIMAÇÃO EM FLASH da QUANTA ACADEMIA DE ARTES.JEFFERSON estudou na QUANTA por um bom tempo... Fez vários cursos, principalmente relacionados a HISTÓRIAS EM QUADRINHOS. Durante todo esse tempo se tornou um grande amigo de todos por aqui, que torcemos o tempo todo pelo salto que ele está prestes a dar (ou já deu) em sua carreira! Salto mais do que merecido!JEFF chega agora com o lançamento do material KISS ME, JUDAS. Um álbum de 272 páginas. Nós acabamos acompanhando um pouco toda sua odisséia para produzir o material! A gente sabe que todo o processo de feitura e também os problemas legais que envolviam o material foram bem complicados! Mas agora a coisa saiu e com certeza o trabalho vai chamar a atenção de todos nas terras do tio Sam e também por aqui!Nas palavras do próprio Jeff:“Depois de 3 anos produzindo e outros 4 esperando para publicar, por conta de um processo judicial, finalmente saiu o meu album de HQ com 272 pag pela terramajor.É uma história noir sobre um ex-policial de Denver que caiu num golpe de roubo de orgãos, e quer a desforra e seu orgão de volta! Não sei se dei mais informações a mais ou menos do que a vista no release oficial... RS... Mas acho que vale a pena dar uma olhada lá pra saber melhor...”O material pode ser adquirido pelo site da TERRA MAJOR: a pena!!! Todo o povo da QUANTA garante!!!!VEJA O RELEASE OFICIAL ABAIXO:Caros amigos... I know most of you have blogs and newsletters. It would help Jeff Costa and us a lot if you could post something about his work to your blogs/fans. We need to sell the book quickly. The twins already posted something to their blog and it has already helped.Obrigado amigos! BRAZILIAN BLOODWe are proud to introduce up-and-coming Brazilian artist Jefferson Costa with a stand-out 272 page graphic novel.The new graphic novel is a graphic adaptation of Kiss Me, Judas, the first book of the critically acclaimed neo-noir trilogy Phineas Poe, by author Will Christopher Baer. Illustrated by award-winning MTV Brazil animator Jefferson Costa, KISS ME, JUDAS is our eighth title illustrated by a Brazilian artist. As many of you know, our catalog includes the American debut in 1999 of Eisner Award winning artists Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon.Synopsis:Phineas Poe is a disgraced ex-cop who walks out of a Denver psych ward on Christmas Eve and heads for the nearest hotel bar, looking to lay low.Instead, he chats up the wrong girl, a stranger with dark eyes and a scar at the edge of her mouth. Deadly as she is beautiful, Jude is a freelance organ thief who leads a willing Phineas upstairs, cuts him open and tosses him to fate. Reborn in a tub of ice, Phineas chases Jude on a twisted quest for redemption that rapidly blurs the lines between victim and accomplice, loverand torturer. From the black snow of Denver to the scorched Texas desert, Phineas and Jude are plunged ever deeper into the company of pimps, parasites, pushers, and perverts‹a freefall into deeper and darker planes of drug-fueled paranoia and erotic obsession.This book is available online only. Limited print run, so reserve your copy today!ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY @

Muito obribado a todos!!!

segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2009


Do conto "O afogado mais formoso do mundo" de
Gabriel García Márquez.

terça-feira, 19 de maio de 2009

segunda-feira, 4 de maio de 2009